Here are a few pics from our time in Madison. Again, having some technical difficulty so will post more photos later. I actually hesitated even putting these on as I don't want to offend anyone's sensitivities. On our last day in Madison, we went to see the downtown area and encountered a Neo-Nazi rally. There was certainly a strong showing of prostestors and it was an interesting event to observe to say the least. Generated lots of good conversation with Noah. We left as the Nazi's made their entrance and did not stay to hear any of the speeches - went on to enjoy a wonderful lunch in a little Greek restaurant and then a walk through the Univ. of Wisc. campus for great ice cream, overlooking Mendota lake - a much better parting memory.
While in Madison, we experienced the true midwestern storms and Bart and Heidi were kind enough to invite us to stay in their home - lots of strong rain, thunder and lightening. The night before we arrived they had had several tornado alarms go off in the night! Were glad we didn't encounter that - although we did learn later that a tornado touched down just north of the route we had traveled the day before on our way to Madison. The storms knocked out phone and internet service for the time we were there so will spend some time playing catch up the next few days.
We are in Middlebury, IN and will explore surrounding Amish communities tomorrow and, surprise, surprise - may tour an rv factory!!!
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