Alice writes:
I woke up this morning with mixed feelings - today we will head back to Lynchburg. While we have had an absolutely extraordinary experience I believe everyone is looking forward to the familiarity and comforts of home. I have learned some very valuable lessons along this trip - the most important is that I have one wonderful family - a husband who is willing to forge ahead even though he is tired on every level, he always rose to the occasion and did it with humor and grace. Noah always managed to have just a bit more patience with his brothers and his parents - was always a good sport and found something to enjoy about most all stops. Clayton is willing to learn something new at every turn, he made friends at every campground and got up in the mornings looking forward to each new day. Travis has shown his resilience, never wavering in his quest to know "what are we doing now?". His little legs kept up with us on every activity and he managed to catch naps in the car - he was a real trooper every day.
We are winding up our last day with a tour of Gettysburg Battlefields - the children have been intrigued with the discovery that their great, great, great grandfather, (I think I have that right) Cullen Andrews Battle served as a Brigadier General for the confederate army and fought at Gettysburg. We have watched the movies, Gods and Generals and Gettysburg, in prepararion and I believe we are entering today with a different perspective had we not done that. Clayton and Travis have set up battles with their new soldiers - Travis chose the Union flag, while Clayton chose the Confederate army. This is a great way to end our trip - we have touched history all along the way and we are all returning with a greater appreciation for our country.
The children are out having one last fling on the playground here and I need to close up so that I can help get us packed and ready for the road - it has been a great ride and we are blessed to have had this opportunity.